In the past people were using different methods to overcome this problem. Pure shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this documentation. Usually when you are trying to move file server or some bunch of files hidden deep inside folder structure you will probably meet problem of long path when executing PowerShell commands. This documentation is provided "as is" and all express or implied conditions, representations and warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement, are disclaimed, except to the extent that such disclaimers are held to be legally invalid. Pure Storage may make improvements and/or changes in the Pure Storage products and/or the programs described in this documentation at any time without notice. No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization from Pure Storage, Inc.
The Pure Storage products and programs described in this documentation are distributed under a license agreement restricting the use, copying, distribution, and decompilation/reverse engineering of the products. Third party names may be trademarks of their respective owners. © 2015-2022 Pure Storage® (“Pure”), Portworx® and associated its trademarks can be found here as and its virtual patent marking program can be found here. Optimize-Volume -Path '\\?\Volume\' -ReTrim -Verboseīoth the Path and FileSystemLabel can be determined with the Get-Volume cmdlet.
VERBOSE: Invoking retrim on e06-19-test-2 (C:\mountpoint). PS C:\> Optimize-Volume -FileSystemLabel e06-19-test-2 -ReTrim -Verbose Before modifying Registry keys, you’d better back up the key for accidents. To be specific, you can disable the MAXPATH limit in Windows. If you are using Windor the later version, you can enable the Long Path Support via Registry Editor to solve the issue. If using volume mount points, use the -FileSystemLabel or -Path parameters to specify the desired volume rather than the -DriveLetter parameter, as in the following examples. Method 3: Enable the Long Path Support in Registry Editor. VERBOSE: Invoking retrim on boneyard3 (G:). PS C:\> Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter G -ReTrim –Verbose This performs the same action as the Optimize-Storage PowerShell cmdlet.